April 2024 New Moon Solar Eclipse In Aries

Embrace Total Rebirth at the April 2024 New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries. On April 8th, 2024, the cosmic stage is set for a powerful event: the New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Aries. This total eclipse amplifies the energy of new beginnings, making it a potent and fated time for transformation. The New Moon in Aries aligns with Chiron, the wounded healer, and Mercury, the planet of the mind. It signifies a potent blend of energies. This conjunction invites introspection into our mental landscapes and emotional wounds, encouraging us to confront and heal deep-seated insecurities and self-limiting beliefs.
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Full Moon In ARIES September 2023

As the cosmos continues its celestial dance, we find ourselves on the precipice of another powerful lunar event. On September 29th, we will witness the Full Moon at 6° Aries, a lunation that promises to ignite our inner warrior, prompting a profound reflection on the age-old struggle between inner battles and true potential.
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New Moon In ARIES April 2023

The upcoming New Moon at 29 degrees Aries on April 20th brings much energy and power into your lives. The New Moon occurs in the highly symbolic last degree of Aries and brings a Hybrid Solar Eclipse. This rare event pairs well with the fiery nature of Aries, the sign of the Ram, associated with courage and assertiveness.
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Eclipse season 2023

Every year, a series of magical events takes place - the Eclipses. And they hold a deep significance for our karma and soul purpose. The upcoming New Moon in bold Aries will kickstart this year's life-changing eclipse season with a rare hybrid solar eclipse. Read more