Once again the wheel is turning and we are blessed with the last of the four big Sabbaths: Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”), the Sabbath of death, renewal and transformation. Celebrated on the night of October 31st, it marks the end of the year’s cycle.

The harvest is done, the trees are shedding their leaves to prepare for winter and the light is fading. It is the night before “All saints” in some cultures; it is “Día de los muertos” in others. It is the time to contemplate death and to honour our ancestors. Hel, the goddess of the underworld, is now taking over and blesses us with her feminine energy.

It seems like nature is dying when, in fact, it is not: the plants are drawing inwards and prepare to recharge in order to come out of the darkness stronger and bigger. Animals go into hibernation to withstand the cold and dream of coming back to life in spring. As we align with nature, we are called to do the same.

The seeds we have planted at the beginning of the year have grown and been harvested, and we are now invited to sit with our outcome.

Transformation is beautiful 

Transformation often feels hard and daunting and scary. It is only in hindsight that we can see the beauty and the sense in it. Nature likes to differ: in the Northern hemisphere, the trees are currently turning the world into a wonderland of colours – they remind us that transformation is also beautiful and a reason to celebrate our growth.

The veil between the worlds is thin during this time of the year. It is a time for trust – all the spirits that walked this Earth before us are there to help, to inspire, to tell us that we are part of an eternal cycle. We, too, are ancestors for the life that comes after us.

Nothing we do is futile, but everything we do has an impact on the energy around us. Energy will never disappear, and so won’t we.

Find the light through darkness

Light and darkness cannot exist without each other. We, too, need the darkness in order to find our light. Samhain therefore invites us to celebrate both life and death, light and darkness, sorrow and joy.

Take some time to walk in nature during the day and take in the colours and the crisp air.

Light candles when it gets dark to remind yourself that there is always light on your way.

Ground yourself by connecting to the earth element by eating root vegetables.

Set extra plates for your deceased if you like. Remember them with joy and gratitude.

Meditate on death and transformation.

Look back at the year: where do you see growth? What needs to be released? What needs to be buried? What is ready to be transformed? What needs darkness now in order to come to light later?

Trust your intuition and trust the process. You are safe, and the light always returns.

“Ring the bells that still can ring / Forget your perfect offering / There is a crack, a crack in everything / That’s how the light gets in”

Leonard Cohen

Beautifully written by Kerstin Wolff

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