Full Moon is happening at 1 degree of Aquarius, the sign of the rebel and radical change in search of freedom and the greater good.

Aquarius energy asks you to contribute to make the world a better place. 

Pluto, the planet of transformation, is active during this Full Moon – bringing healing and transformation and light to how can you contribute to the greater good.

The answer to that will come from your heart.

Sit quietly

Bring your awareness to your body

Breath deeply

Place your hands to your heart

Ask yourself:


What comes up?

Sometimes it is hard to believe in yourself and your capacity to contribute. 

Mercury is currently in Cancer – don’t let how you feel shape your reality. 

You have a gift, and your heart has the answer.  

It is good at the time of the Full Moon to look back at the New Moon in Aquarius (11th Feb) and reflect on how far have you come. 

Celebrate all you have done. 

Use the next couple of weeks to gain clarity and prepare for the next New Moon in Leo. 

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