The future ahead of you. The last Full Moon of 2021 takes place on the 19th December 27 degrees in the sign of Gemini, closing the Sagittarius/Gemini themes that started in May 2020.
Gemini is the sign of duality, and Sagittarius is the sign of the big picture, able to embrace both sides of the duality and take you closer to the truth.
The Full Moon in Gemini is trine Jupiter, a benefic planet that brings expansion and good luck.
Dream big
Don’t be afraid to dream big, but also take the responsibility to make the first step.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Mercury (the planet of the mind) trine Uranus (the planet of the unusual) will help you find new ideas and unique ways to make them happen.
Believe you can do it. And trust those ideas.
The Sun opposing the Full Moon is at the degree of the Galactic Center, 27 degrees Sagittarius – the heart of the Universe and the source of the most magical and strongest energies in the cosmos.
The Sun’s position makes these energies available to us. And with the Moon, you will be able to feel them. This will help you to integrate them into your consciousness.
This can bring clarity and healing.
What wounds do you carry that need healing?
What part of you is asking to be loved?
The Past
You cannot change the past, but you can repair the damage. And you will be able to, with Mars, the planet of action, currently conjunct the South Node (the past).
Use the energies of this Full Moon in Gemini to make peace with the past and be open to embracing what the future holds.
Use the next couple of weeks to let go and prepare for the next New Moon in Capricorn.
All the best,
Are you interested in living in alignment with the cosmos? In your work and daily life?
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