Creativity and inspiration! This Full Moon tonight takes place at 28 degrees Pisces. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and brings existential questions to the fore.
It is at the time of the Full Moon that we get the answers.
This lunar event is charged with creativity and inspiration. The Moon has just met with Neptune, ruler of Pisces and the planet of unconditional love and imagination, bringing instinct and feeling to the Full Moon.
It is time to surrender and not be afraid to become the ocean.
Mercury in a trine with Jupiter (fortune) and squaring Pluto (transformation) brings forgiveness and the need to challenge your ideas about yourself and your place in the world.
Mars, the planet of action, opposing the Moon, will remind you to act out of love for yourself and the others.
It is from a place of stillness that you can connect with your intuition.
Find a place of calm by sitting down and following your breath.
Connect to your heart.
Let your intuition bring you the answers.
Autumn officially starts on Wednesday, a time for the trees to lose their leaves. Prepare yourself to let go of what no longer serves you.
Use the next couple of weeks to do it and prepare for the next New Moon in Libra.
Have a wonderful Full Moon.
Ps. The illustration is part of the work that the wonderful Sarah Hards has done for the 2022 Cosmoplanner edition.
Visit the shop here to get your copy.