On the 19th of November, there is a Full Moon at 27 degrees Taurus, an earth sign ruled by Venus – the planet of love and relationships.
It is the first Eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse season that will last until October 2023. Eclipses happen when a New Moon (Solar Eclipse) or a Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) occurs within 15 degrees of the Lunar Nodes. And it can either happen near the North Node (where you are going) or the South Node (where you have been).
This will be a Partial Lunar North Node Eclipse, meaning it is a moment of culmination that will create new opportunities.
This Full Moon will feel intense and electric (Uranus is opposing Mars). It will invite you to become clear about what you value (Venus) and what is important so you can make space by releasing what is no longer in alignment with your values.
The Moon will be squaring Jupiter (the planet of expansion), amplifying the emotions and bringing in optimism and good luck.
The Full Moon will also be on good terms (trine) with Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, bringing in psychic and emotional sensitivity and inviting you to dig deep into your fears to overcome them and awaken your power.
Venus is the key to this Eclipse and is helping you to deal with issues of worth, love, finances and relationships.
- What is it that you can no longer tolerate?
- What do you want from relationships?
- What do you want to welcome into your life?
- Are you valuing the whole of yourself?
Let the culmination of the Full Moon bring you the answers.
It is time for a profound transformation through the shadows and the wisdom of the body. Connect with it by focusing on the breath and movement.
And let your heart expand, connecting with the earth.
Use the next couple of weeks to release and prepare for the next New Moon in Sagittarius.
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