In Midwinter, between the Winter Solstice and Ostara, we face the first Sabbath of the calendar year: on the evening of February 1st, we celebrate Imbolc. Winter is the time of rest, of introspection and of regeneration. And while the cold and misty time has so much beauty, it can also feel draining with its lack of light. This is where Brigid steps in; the Goddess of healing, fire and poetry brings hope and warmth and the proverbial silver lining to the horizon.
Celtic Goddess Brigid is said to come up from the underworld after the long winter. She is young and beautiful with her fiery red hair and she introduces the first glimpse of spring. As the sun rises a little earlier and sets a little later every day now, Brigid encourages us to wake up and shake off winter’s stagnant energy. Nature is starting to wake up, too: on the surface, there is still ice and snow; but underneath, the seeds that have been planted last year are slowly starting to sprout.
Purity and innocence
The vibe of Imbolc is all about purity and innocence. Everything is new, undamaged, and everything is possible. Anything can grow from the seeds we have planted – from our visions and our intentions. While this brings endless possibilities, it might feel scary at the same time. What if we mess it up? What if we don’t use our time and energy to our fullest potential? What if we don’t reach the goals we set for the new year? What if we just don’t get it right?
Nature does not share these doubts. While we tend to overthink or give in to the set of misbeliefs that we have learned, nature simply grows. A seed grows roots and then opens itself to the light and shoots up. It has to withstand troubles on its way up – rain, heat, storms, perpetrators. We see crooked trees all around, bent bushes, but still they grow. They find their way, they fall into place, they root to rise. They are beautiful. And as we follow nature’s example, we will also find beauty in every step of our way. We will ground, we will rise, we will have to bend and find our direction.
You will be OK
Imbolc is an invitation to be hopeful and courageous, dreamy and warm-hearted. White and silver are the governing colours of this Sabbath, representing the pretty side of winter. Candles and fire represent the energy of Brigid and the light that is growing stronger every day. Meditate on growth, celebrate the light. Have faith in the power of your very own nature. You will be ok.
“Spring has returned. The earth is like a child that knows poems” – Rainer Maria Rilke
Kerstin Wolff
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