On June 29th, 2022 there is a New Moon is at 7 degrees Cancer, a water, emotional sign ruled by the Moon. Cancer is the first sign of the summer season, a time when everything is in bloom.

This is a New Moon to tap into the light and dark energies of the feminine. Cancer energies are about nurturing and self-care, but sometimes you need to set boundaries to protect that.

This New Moon is conjunct Black Moon Lilith, the feminine’s raw, assertive dark energy. Lilith, Adam’s first wife, refused to submit to him, so she is the part of the feminine that refuses to be submissive, who refuses to stay silent and wants to assert her power. It is the power to set boundaries and say no.

Have you been too submissive?
Where do you need to set boundaries?

Taking care of yourself means that sometimes you must confront the other if you are feeling the rage – breath. Setting boundaries is not being at war with the other; it means being clear about what works for you and doesn’t — and asking the other to honour and respect that.

And having the power to walk away if they don’t.

The planet of illusion, Neptune, has just turned retrograde, which will help us to clarify how we are feeling.

Jupiter will support any action you need to take, the planet of luck, in Aries (actions) squaring this New Moon.

Use this cycle to bring any repressed feelings and emotions into awareness and listen to what message they have for you. With that clarity, be ready to take action.

Clear, focused action doesn’t need to be aggressive; quite the opposite, clarity brings inner peace.

In the process, don’t forget to take care of yourself and your wellbeing.

With love and care,


New Moon ceremonies to set intentions is an ancient practice. When we consciously write down what we want, we co-create with the Universe. And in the process, we dissolve our inner resistance. It is the time of the New Moon, and the following 8-12h AFTER are the most potent hours to set intentions. Up to 3 days is ok.

The New Moon in Cancer Circle is a warm, welcoming and supportive space, perfect to set intentions. If you would like to join, you can do it here.

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