Virgo’s Full Moon illuminates our tendency to be overly critical and help us to clear out any beliefs that stand in the way of knowing we are good enough.
Virgo also reminds us that we need to take practical steps to fulfil our dreams.
Is your daily rhythm helping you to move closer to your dreams?
When you do not know what the future holds, it helps to find your daily rhythm.
Thankfully, this Full Moon is trine (positively connected) to Uranus, and it gives us the clarity to make those innovative changes. There is also positive and forward energy due to all planets being in direct motion! Yay!
Do you know what your heart has been telling you?
Know that you are good enough to pursue it.
The Full Moon is opposing Venus – the planet of the divine feminine – bringing creative solutions and outlets to shape the ideas, feelings and intuitions you had since the New Moon.
Use the next couple of weeks to finish up and clear out what is no longer aligned with your purpose to make space for the upcoming New Moon in Pisces.
Happy Full Moon!
Ester S.