On Monday, July 3rd, there is an earthy Full Moon at 11° Capricorn, the sign of success and discipline, inviting us to do the work.
As with every Full Moon, the Sun fully illuminates the Moon, bringing clarity. The Sun, currently in the Moon’s home sign of Cancer, opposes the Moon in Capricorn – your heightened emotions are the portal to finding clarity.
Clarity and Doubts
Full moons are the emotional and creative peak of the lunar cycle when answers and aha moments come to clarify our doubts. If we willingly listen.
Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn is the peak of the lunar cycle that started a couple of weeks ago with the New Moon in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind. The New Moon invited you to upgrade your mindset. Mercury is again involved, opposing the Full Moon and helping to answer why you might or might not have done anything about it.
Do you believe it is worth doing?
Do you believe you can succeed?
What do you say to yourself when you cannot see the light?
Those are questions to ask yourself about anything you said you would do and did not pursue.
Pluto’s role during the Full Moon encourages you to focus on what you can control, especially when not getting the desired results.
You can only control your actions and reactions; everything else is outside your domain. The more time you spend trying to control circumstances outside your reach, the less time and energy you have to do what belongs to you to do and the more anxious you will feel.
And what is 100% in your hands is following through on the commitments you made to yourself.
Saturn, the ruler of the Full Moon in Capricorn, is the planet of commitment and discipline. And together with Jupiter, the planet of beliefs, is involved with this lunation. Those powerful planets combined bring results to hard work.
Take this Full Moon as a test to commit to doing something and actually doing it. Whether you believe it will work or not, do it for the process of doing instead of the outcome. And you’ll marvel at the results.
There is power in commitment, and this lunation will show you why.
Use this Full Moon in Capricorn to gain insights into how your mindset affects your emotions. Preparing for the upcoming New Moon in Cancer, the lunar cycle to focus on your emotional self-care.
With love and care,
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