Express yourself.

On February 16th, there is a Full Moon in Leo at 27 degrees. This Full Moon culminates the Aquarius cycle of change that started in the New Moon in Aquarius.

Leo is creative energy and rules the heart, inviting you to connect with your heart and what it truly desires. It is also the sign of the inner child and the playful side of you who wants to have fun and enjoy life.

What childhood dreams have you had that you have given up?
Are those still alive in your heart?


Pluto, the planet of transformation, is involved in this lunation together with the lunar nodes of destiny. It offers the opportunity to heal and transform past wounds and do inner child work. Forgiveness and letting go will not make things right, but it will set you free.

Is the way you are doing things helping you?
What old patterns do you need to leave behind to fulfil your destiny?

However scary it might be, the time has come to step out of your comfort zone.


The Cosmic Lovers (Venus and Mars) will become one on the day of the Full Moon in Leo, the divine feminine and masculine in perfect balance. They are helping us find that balance within. It is an excellent time to reflect on self-love issues and what you want from relationships.

What do you value? And are your actions aligned to your values?


Self-expression, joy, creativity, and an authentic sense of self are themes to focus on during this Full Moon in Leo. It will invite you to be your authentic self, find your voice and fearlessly express it and let it shine.

What have you been told about yourself that are not authentic and you need to let go of?

You have two weeks until the next New Moon to do so.

Until then, take care.


Are you interested in living in alignment with the cosmos? In your work and your daily life?

I created Cosmoplanner | Moon planner to help you do that.

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