On January 21st, there is a New Moon at 1 degree Aquarius and the start of a new Lunar year. Aquarius is a fixed, air (intellectual) sign ruled by Uranus and Saturn.
Words associated with Aquarius are forward-thinking, visionary and unique. In an Aquarian world, everyone has value, and everyone’s uniqueness contributes to the whole. Everyone is free to shine their light.
Individuality and friendships
Aquarius rules friendships. While being part of groups, friendships, communities and society is essential, the need for belonging shouldn’t lead us to override our individuality. To forget who we are to fit in.
With Aquarius’ ruler, Saturn, conjunct Venus, claim your individuality by drawing boundaries to your values. Define what matters to you, what you value and what is valuable to you, and what makes you feel valued.
Asses your friendships: do they make you feel valued, and are they empowering you? Or are they diminishing you?
Shine your light despite your darkness
The New Moon in Aquarius is also conjunct with Pluto (secrets and transformation) and opposite Black Moon Lilith (raw feminine energy). It could get intense.
While Venus conjunct Saturn will help you define your values and what matters to you, BML in Leo will help you stand up for yourself and claim your space; she will bring out the lioness in you – fierce, courageous and protective.
Pluto might bring out aspects of your personality you would like to ignore. Most likely, they are an expression of fear – bring those aspects to light, talk to them and find out what they are afraid of. And respond with love and compassion.
Don’t let your darkness diminish your light.
New beginnings
New Moons are times of new beginnings and set intentions (plant seeds) for when a new moon cycle starts. This particular lunation in Aquarius comes with the energy of new beginnings amplified. The meeting of the Sun and the Moon (New Moon) happens at one degree, the karmic point of new beginnings. And it starts a new lunar year, in Chinese astrology – the water rabbit.
The rabbit symbolises fertility, creativity and intuition – more energy for new beginnings.
With the end of Mars and Mercury retrograde and Uranus on January 22nd, consider this New Moon the proper start to the year.
Remember to set intentions and plant seeds in true alignment with your individual values – no one else’s.
If you would like to work with the energies of this auspicious New Moon, you can do so in the circle.
With love and care,
New Moon ceremonies to set intentions are an ancient practice. When we consciously write down what we want, we co-create with the Universe. And in the process, we dissolve our inner resistance. It is the time of the New Moon, and the following 8-12h AFTER are the most potent hours to set intentions. Up to 3 days is ok.
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